amazingmichelleman: lusilly: the only reason batman is so popular is because he has the best villains false
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Anotações místico-filosóficas de um buscador sedento pela amplitude da profundidade.
quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2014
teacupsandcyanide: I remember all the Doctor Who fanfics I used to read where Rose often got badly stereotyped as a damsel in distress whom the Doctor had to swoop in and save and smooch but the way I remember Doctor Who 90% of their relationship was the Doctor just setting Rose loose on people who had done something to offend them and sitting back giggling in the corner as she shouted
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segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2014
Mantra necessário: "Nem todos irão querer, aceitar ou saber como usar a energia que você cede. Fique em paz com isso e siga em frente." georgiaokief: yung-human: Not everyone is going to want, accept, or know how to receive your energy. Make peace with it and move on. truths
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sábado, 19 de abril de 2014
quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2014
sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2014
sonicpinballparty: mcbushpig: when i was 8 i drew this comic about two girls kissing and my mom was out raged and i thought it was because my art wasn’t good enough so i kept trying to draw girls kissing and she sent me to therapy and my therapist tried explaining homosexuality to me and i didn’t even know what that had to do with my art skills
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sábado, 5 de abril de 2014
queendread: I don’t understand the USA, all your roads are straight and all your cities look like they were planned using Excel. Everyone knows the only way to build a city is to wait until a bunch of tiny villages merge together over centuries and create a sprawling clusterfuck of winding roads that make no sense and have no street signs and are impossible to navigate unless you’ve lived there all your life.
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sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2014
quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2014
Art is not a democracy. People don’t get to vote on how it ends.
"Arte não é uma democracia. As pessoas não votam em como ela deve terminar." George R. R. Martin (via connie-awanderingsoul)
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