fffcuk: what doesn’t kill you fucks you up mentally and affects your ability to have stable relationships with other human beings
via Tumblr http://lugomast.tumblr.com/post/58733622764/o-que-nao-te-mata-te-fode-mentalmente-e-afeta-sua
Anotações místico-filosóficas de um buscador sedento pela amplitude da profundidade.
segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2013
domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013
hoork: So we were walking through the artist alley when suddenly this mob of Attack on Titan cosplayers appeared… Then it got to the end of the line and LEVI WAS FRANTICALLY SCRUBBING AND KEEPING UP WITH THE WHOLE GROUP
via Tumblr http://lugomast.tumblr.com/post/58662118058/hoork-so-we-were-walking-through-the-artist
via Tumblr http://lugomast.tumblr.com/post/58662118058/hoork-so-we-were-walking-through-the-artist
domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013
“I admit that my visions can never mean to other men as much as they do to me. I do not regret this. All I ask is that my results should convince seekers after truth that there is beyond doubt something worth while seeking, attainable by methods more or less like mine. I do not want to father a flock, to be the fetish of fools and fanatics, or the founder of a faith whose followers are content to echo my opinions. I want each man to cut his own way through the jungle.” "Admito que minhas visões talvez nunca tenham o mesmo significado para os outros como tem para mim. Não me arrependo disso. Tudo que peço é que meus resultados possam convencer buscadores pela verdade que há por trás da dúvida algo que valha ser buscado, conquistável por métodos mais ou menos parecidos com os meus. Não quero pastorear um rebanho, ser o fetiche de tolos e fanáticos, ou o fundador de uma fé cujos seguidores se contentem em ecoar minhas opiniões. Quero que cada um desbrave seu caminho pela floresta por conta própria.” Aleister Crowley, The Confessions, chapter 66, p. 618
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via Tumblr http://lugomast.tumblr.com/post/58002998680/i-admit-that-my-visions-can-never-mean-to-other
quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2013
terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2013
"I admit that my visions can never mean to other men as much as they do to me. I do not regret this...."
“I admit that my visions can never mean to other men as much as they do to me. I do not regret this. All I ask is that my results should convince seekers after truth that there is beyond doubt something worth while seeking, attainable by methods more or less like mine. I do not want to father a flock, to be the fetish of fools and fanatics, or the founder of a faith whose followers are content to echo my opinions. I want each man to cut his own way through the jungle.”
- Aleister Crowley, The Confessions, chapter 66, p. 618 (via ich-bin-zu-allein) via http://crowleyquotes.hrmtc.com/post/57091282932
- Aleister Crowley, The Confessions, chapter 66, p. 618 (via ich-bin-zu-allein) via http://crowleyquotes.hrmtc.com/post/57091282932
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